Singing Guide: Dave Mason

Singing Guide: Dave Mason

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Dave Mason, an R&B and rock singer from England, has a unique singing style that combines soulful, powerful, yet restrained vocal delivery with catchy melodies. His vocal range is impressive, reaching from high falsetto to deep chest voice. In this article, we will explore some of Mason's unique vocal techniques and tips to learn them.

Technique 1: Controlled Vibrato

One of the most notable features of Mason's singing is his controlled, melodic vibrato. Vibrato is the natural oscillation of the voice that gives a warmer and richer tone to the sound. To achieve a controlled vibrato like Mason's, you need to practice diaphragmatic breathing, which is the technique of breathing deeply from your diaphragm to control your breath flow. Singers who use diaphragmatic breathing can control their vibrato's speed, rhythm, and intensity, which is essential for a desired musical effect.

To practice controlled vibrato, use Singing Carrots' vocal pitch monitor to visualize your pitch accuracy. Start singing a sustained note in your comfortable range and gradually increase pitch variations while maintaining a steady breath flow from your diaphragm. Focus on delivering smooth, even, and consistent vibrato by controlling your diaphragm contractions and exhalations. Repeat the exercise several times, gradually increasing the difficulty by adding dynamic and rhythmic variations to your singing.

Technique 2: Dynamic Chest Voice

Mason's powerful chest voice is a result of his dynamic singing approach, which emphasizes the strong and energetic delivery of lyrics. To learn Mason's dynamic chest voice, you need to strengthen your chest and abdominal muscles through breathing exercises and physical training.

First, use Singing Carrots' breathing basics and breath support articles to improve your breathing technique and develop better breath control. Second, practice chest voice exercises by humming, lip trills, and singing scales within your chest voice range. Start by vocalizing softly and gradually increase your volume and energy, maintaining a healthy breath support and proper posture. Finally, use Singing Carrots' pitch training and song search tools to find songs that fit your chest voice range and style.

Technique 3: Vocal Agility

Mason's versatile vocal range is notable for its agility, which allows him to perform complex melodic runs and ornaments quickly and accurately. To achieve a similar vocal agility, you need to practice pitch training exercises that focus on interval recognition, sight-reading, and repetition.

Use Singing Carrots'pitch training games to improve your ear training and interval recognition skills. Practice singing scales, arpeggios, and runs in different keys and patterns to develop your muscle memory and finger dexterity. Finally, use Singing Carrots' song search tool to find songs that challenge your vocal agility and technique.

Technique 4: Emotion In Singing

Mason's passionate singing style is a product of his ability to convey his emotions through his voice. To learn how to add emotion to your singing, focus on expressing the song's lyrics and melody by connecting your emotions to them. Practice singing the lyrics with different emotions, such as happiness, sadness, anger, or love, and notice how your vocal delivery changes accordingly.

Finally, use Singing Carrots' stage fright and performing articles to help you overcome any anxieties or insecurities you may have about expressing your emotions on stage.

By following these techniques, you can learn to sing like Dave Mason while developing your unique vocal style. Remember to practice regularly, use Singing Carrots' resources wisely, and enjoy the learning process!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.